
Dr. O. C. Smith
Founding Minister,
City of Angels Church of Religious Science

              "Religious Science
is a teaching that opens the door to the hearts and minds of the masses.  It causes us to realize that life is for us and also that it is necessary that each of us live lovingly, positively, and creatively.  Thereby, being anchored in the Truth.
           By so doing we fulfill our purpose, standing on the eternal spiritual platform allowing our inner light to shine.  This is "the way" that all of the illuminated ones, through antiquity have lived, thought and taught.
     The words and ideas contained in this book Overcoming Obstacles With Faith
cover that idea."

This site contains books and information that affirms -

               "Science of Mind bears the same relation to religion that natural science bears to the laws of nature.  It is a science of mental and spiritual phenomena, and as such it appeals to adherents of all religious beliefs, as well as to those who have no particular religious conviction; it appeals to all students of life."

                  Religious Science, also known as Science of Mind,
is something intelligent to think about, and something satisfying to believe in, as well as practical to use. Regardless of race, religious affiliation, education, or social status one may find in it the ways and means to a fuller, richer life.

Religious Science presents a message of help and inspiration, for its practice and use extends into every form of human experience. Health, financial abundance, harmonious relationships, success, creative activity, and all the other things that make for the good life become accessible. One no longer feels like a hopeless human being, as he is master of his destiny, and proves to himself that it is done unto him as he believes.

Religious Science was founded in 1926 by Dr. Ernest Holmes, an internationally recognized teacher of Truth. His works, based on the teachings of great philosophers and mystics, combine the sacred wisdom of both Eastern and Western traditions. His teachings emphasizes the limitless potential of the human mind when a connection is made with the power within, whether it is called God, Spirit, Higher Power or whatever.

Religious Science has no opposition to any religious belief or philosophy. It recognizes that each person is on an individual path to his/her own fulfillment and must be guided by his/her own inner voice. It teach practical and definite methods with which each individual can create positive life changes. In Religious Science, Scientific Prayer is taught, the same method as the Great Mystics utilized; prayer and meditation combined can heal the discords in our lives and bring us to a greater trust in God.

Religious Science teaches that spiritual understanding leads to an opportunity to experience greater love, greater joy and a fuller life expression.


Rev. Irene Danon is a Licensed Ordained Minister with the  City Of Angels Church Of Religious Science  Irene Danon has two messages that are healing in that they awaken the mind to new ideas.
click here for Messages


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